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Our Services
Children Choice Waiver
Provides services in the home and community to individuals 0 through 20 years of age, who currently live at home with their families or who will leave an institution to return home.
Community Choice Waiver (CCW)
The Community Choices Waiver (CCW) serves seniors and persons with adult onset disabilities as an alternative to nursing facility care. Based on a standardized assessment, each recipient is provided a budget based on acuity to create an individual service package.
The CCW contains a wide array of services including: support coordination, nursing and skilled therapy assessments and services, in-home monitoring systems, home modifications and assistive technologies, personal care, home-delivered meals, and care giver respite
New Opportunities Waiver (NOW)
The NOW includes an array of services aimed at assisting people to live as independently as possible.
Residential Options Waiver
Provides support and services in the home and community to individuals 18 years of age or older, who are eligible to receive OCDD waiver services. It is a capped waiver where each person's individuals annual budget is based upon his/her assessed support needs.
Support needs are determined by an Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) assessment.
This program is not intended to provide 24-hour one to one support.
Support Waiver
The Supports Waiver (SW) program provides services in the home and in the community to individuals 18 years of age or older, who are eligible to receive OCDD waiver services. The SW is intended for individuals whose needs can be met by the services that are included in the waiver.
This program is not intended to provide 24 hour a day support.
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Long-Term Personal Care Services (LT-PCS)
All Medicaid recipients age 65 or older, or age 21 with disabilities (meets Social Security Administration disability criteria), must meet the medical standards for admission to a nursing facility and additional targeting criteria, and be able to participate in his/her care and direct the services provided by the worker independently or through a responsible representative. Applicants must require at least limited assistance with at least one Activity of Daily Living.
Basic personal care-toileting & grooming activities.
Assistance with bladder and/or bowel requirements or problems.
Assistance with eating and food preparation.
Performance of incidental household chores, only for the recipient.
Accompanying, not transporting, recipient to medical appointments.
Grocery shopping, including personal hygiene items.
EPSDT-Personal Care Services
The person must be age birth through 20 years (EPSDT eligible) and have been prescribed medically necessary, age appropriate EPSDT-PCS by a practitioner (physician, advance practice nurse, or physician assistant).
The practitioner shall specify the health or medical condition that necessitates EPSDT-PCS. An EPSDT eligible shall meet medical necessity criteria which shall be based on functional and medical eligibility and impairment in at least two activities of daily living.
To establish medical necessity, the EPSDT eligible must be of an age at which the tasks to be performed by the PCS provider would ordinarily be performed by the individual, if not for being disabled due to illness or injury.
Additional information and fact sheets can be found on the Louisiana Department of Health website at https://ldh.la.gov